Batch / stand pasteurizer

A C. van ‘t Riet Zuiveltechnologie B.V. batch / stand pasteurizer is the ideal solution for pasteurizing liquids such as milk for cheese or yogurt. With a capacity of 120 to 1000 liters and based on the Au-bain marie principle, this machine offers an energy-efficient way to heat and cool milk/liquids.

Batch- / standpasteur

Batch / stand pasteurizer

  • Capacity from 120 to 1000 liters
  • Based on Au-bain marie principle
  • Tilting bucket manual or pneumatic
  • Value retention through use of durable materials
  • 3A finishing possible
  • Easy to operate
  • Plug and play machine
  • Cooling of liquids
  • High quality with long service life
  • Low maintenance

Contact us for more information on the batch/stand pasteurizer

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